A new nature playscape is now open at Sandy Creek Nature Center in Athens, GA. The playscape is a replacement for a small garden behind the nature center’s main Education & Visitor Center.
It features trails, boulders, special plantings, a small pond, and natural boundaries, and an area that will allow children to engage in creative play, inventing their own games, developing physical strength, and learning to interact with others. The interactive play space also includes whimsical artistic features and a seating area for adults including shaded spots for strollers.
This unique play area honors 11 local citizens who created the nature center in 1973. Enclosed by natural boundaries, the area is accessible to nearby restrooms and water fountains, and the adjacent ADA boardwalk for mobility-impaired visitors.
The new playscape at Sandy Creek is an outdoor activity for the whole family. Learn more at https://www.sandycreeknaturecenterinc.org/